Teaching Music Together® Classes at an Existing Location

If a Music Together director is offering classes in your area, they may hire you to teach at one of their locations. To find out about teaching opportunities, head over to our Class Locator and then reach out with your interest. They may then refer you to apply for the Teacher Training Workshop that’s required for all Music Together teachers.

Class Locator

Note: If there are multiple centers in your area, feel free to contact as many of them as you would like with your teaching inquiry. Each Music Together director represents an independent business responsible for all hiring, contracting, and employment decisions. Music Together Worldwide is not involved in the hiring/contracting decisions of teachers at the independent centers.

About the Music Together Teacher Training 

The Music Together Teacher Training Workshop is open only to those who are referred by an existing Music Together director or who are starting their own Music Together classes. The online trainings is a hybrid of live online and self-study modules, offered several times each month in small-group settings. It’s the best of both worlds: The convenience of an online training and a community learning experience led by a live expert trainer.


No location in your neighborhood?

If you can’t find a location near you on the Class Locator, there may be an opportunity to teach by starting your own Music Together classes. (We’ve been helping people with all kinds of backgrounds get classes going for more than 30 years.) Read about becoming a Music Together director, and feel free to Contact Us for more information.

“I love the way Music Together touches everyone’s hearts. There is nothing more satisfying than knowing your love and passion are translated into other peoples’ lives!”

— Tracy Kahn, Music Together teacher since 2003, Fort Lauderdale, Florida