Posts Tagged: babies

What’s Happening in Babies’ Brains During Music Experiences? Big Things!

Music Lights Up the Brain

Babies can be puzzling. They are little, they are squishy, and they seem to need help doing everything. And yet we know that huge development is happening on the inside, as their brains grow at an astronomical rate. If you’ve ever asked yourself, “What’s going on in there?” you’re not alone. We can help with… Read more »

Music + Your Baby: Talking or Singing?

Mother Changing Baby

Parents are sometimes surprised to hear that they can start Music Together® classes with their babies as soon after birth as they’d like. That’s because all children are born music-makers. Yes, your baby’s cries, coos, and squeals are also their first attempts at singing! How do babies go from “aahh!” to “do, re, mi”? Like… Read more »

First Notes: How Your Baby Responds to Music

Babies noisily make their grand entrances into this world. At first, all of those cries might not sound like music, but they’re really the first signs of a baby’s innate musicality. Just as they have to babble to develop language, babies have to “babble” in music to learn to sing. Little ones are born with a natural capacity to make music, whether they’re cooing, squealing, crying, or, eventually, giggling and babbling. Read More…