Posts Categorized: Parent Education

Threes and Fours in Music Together® Classes

MT Mixed Age Class

Between preschool, playdates, and activities, three- and four-year-olds can have super-busy schedules! With so many demands on their (and YOUR) time, we’re sometimes asked whether it makes sense for these not-so-littles to continue their Music Together® classes. As you plan your family’s schedule, here are a few answers to your questions that give insights into how… Read more »

Creating Harmony: How Music Can Support Social Emotional Development

Dad with daughter

The simple and enjoyable act of making music with your child naturally fosters important social and emotional skills, such as self-regulation, self-confidence, leadership skills, social skills, and socio-emotional intelligence. Making music with your child can be so much fun for both of you, whether you’re singing along to the radio in the car, jamming on… Read more »

What’s Happening in Babies’ Brains During Music Experiences? Big Things!

Music Lights Up the Brain

Babies can be puzzling. They are little, they are squishy, and they seem to need help doing everything. And yet we know that huge development is happening on the inside, as their brains grow at an astronomical rate. If you’ve ever asked yourself, “What’s going on in there?” you’re not alone. We can help with… Read more »

Tuning In to How Your Child Learns

Look around a Music Together class and you’ll notice different behavioral “personalities.” Some children sit still and stare at their parent or teacher singing. Others gaze out the window or look at their toes. And some are constantly in motion, jumping or toddling around exuberantly, even when everyone else is in a close circle quietly singing. Do you recognize your child in any of these examples? Read more

How Making Music Together Supports Coordination

As you know, Music Together is a music and movement program. In class and at home, children and grownups participate in both large movement and small movement activities. In addition to helping build fine and gross motor skills, these help your child with other important movement skills essential to physical development… Read more

The Power of Music

We’ve all seen even the youngest children respond positively to music. As soon as they hear the first few notes, they’re bobbing up and down, swaying side-to-side, smiles taking over their little faces. This is the power of music: It’s a universal language that all of us are born ready to enjoy. Read More…

Our Experts on PBS Kids

Music Together coauthors Ken Guilmartin and Dr. Lili Levinowitz have both been featured on the PBS Parents website. Check out these two pieces: The Benefits of Music Education: Ken was interviewed for a story about the value of music to young children that was published on the PBS Parents website. What Music Should My Children Listen… Read more »