Jackson, the Music Maker

My children, now 25 and 29, had music around them growing up. I sang and played guitar and their father played his favorite ’60s songs on the piano. We had a music area in their playroom and they played ukulele, drums, and shakers with us whenever. My son’s son, Jackson, now over a year old,… Read more »

Music Together and Music Therapy in Ghana

Over the summer, my colleague Tori Conciello-Emery, MA, MT-BC, was one of several clinicians on a service trip to Ghana, Africa. Tori is a Music Together–trained board-certified music therapist who works at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Tempo! Therapy in West Chester, PA. In Ghana, Tori led music therapy trainings for staff members at Echoing… Read more »

Jackson’s Song, or the Left-handed Lullaby

Four months ago, I became a grandmother and I was so thrilled that I offered to babysit Jackson Daniel one day a week. The first day, I got up early, drove an hour, and felt a little uneasy, but happy. It all went well until around 2:00; he still hadn’t fallen asleep and now he… Read more »

My Time Away

I love going to conferences. No, really—I do! Apart from a break in my everyday routine, I love being able to share what Music Together centers around the country have done to advance the field of early childhood music and movement experiences through parent-child and preschool classes. This past month, I traveled from coast-to-coast and… Read more »