Posts Tagged: music development

My Toddler Won’t Let Me Sing!

We’ve heard this from lots of parents over the years: You’re singing along to your favorite song, when suddenly your toddler says, “Don’t sing, Mama!” or “Stop singing, Daddy!” This can be disconcerting! We want our children to speak their mind and express their desires, but what do we do when their desires conflict with… Read more »

What’s Happening in Babies’ Brains During Music Experiences? Big Things!

Music Lights Up the Brain

Babies can be puzzling. They are little, they are squishy, and they seem to need help doing everything. And yet we know that huge development is happening on the inside, as their brains grow at an astronomical rate. If you’ve ever asked yourself, “What’s going on in there?” you’re not alone. We can help with… Read more »

Level Up Your Child’s Learning with Music

music and learning

It’s been a year of drive-through birthday parties, Zoom meetings in the same room as your three-year-old’s virtual preschool class, and feeding everyone in the house what sure feels like infinite meals and snacks. Every. Single. Day. Now that the next stage of pandemic parenting is upon us, you might be wondering what you can do to… Read more »

My Toddler Won’t Let Me Sing!

We’ve heard this from lots of parents over the years: You’re singing along to your favorite song, when suddenly your toddler says, “Don’t sing, Mama!” or “Stop singing, Daddy!” This can be disconcerting! We want our children to speak their mind and express their desires, but what do we do when their desires conflict with our desire to sing? Read more